Thursday, January 20

Spirit Rehab Jar

Our unique perception of shapes and colors has to be one of our most cherished creative talents at our disposal. What you dream can become as real as you wish it to be with just a little glue of persistence. Here is my little oddball Spirit Rehab Jar all dressed up and nowhere to go.

Thursday, January 13

2011 Love

My prediction for the year 2011 is lots of love for everyone everywhere!

Tuesday, January 4

Life Seeds

Seed your life with kindness, sprinkle gently with lots of caresses and kisses and watch as the love grows. My New Year's resolution this year is to see love in everything and if there is none spread some seeds.

Saturday, January 1

Spirits with the Uglies

Ringing in the New Year with a little Spirit of the Uglies, a Raunchy Ritzy Rehab for your spirits who have been naughty, or just a little ugly this year. This little spirit jar was once a napkin ring, a necklace, a chandelier, a salt shaker, a necklace, buttons from a dress and much, much more!